Art Therapy vs. Traditional Therapy
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

Art Therapy vs. Traditional Therapy

Exploring the Evidence: Art Therapy vs. Traditional Therapy. In the realm of mental health treatment, both art therapy and traditional therapy have gained recognition for their effectiveness in promoting emotional well-being and personal growth. While traditional therapy approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychoanalysis have long been staples in mental health care, art therapy offers a unique alternative that harnesses the creative process to foster healing and self-expression. In this article, we'll delve into the evidence supporting the benefits of both art therapy and traditional therapy, examining their respective strengths and applications.

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Unfreezing Wisdom: Life Lessons from Disney's Frozen (An Art Therapists Take)
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

Unfreezing Wisdom: Life Lessons from Disney's Frozen (An Art Therapists Take)

An Art Therapists’ take on the movie, Frozen. In Disney's "Frozen," the phrase "Feel, Don't Conceal" encapsulates a powerful message that resonates deeply with audiences worldwide. Beyond its captivating catchy tunes, this mantra serves as a profound life lesson that holds relevance in our everyday lives.

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How Does Art Therapy Relieve Stress?
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

How Does Art Therapy Relieve Stress?

Learn how Art Therapy reduces stress. This blog posts written by licensed art therapist, Emily Davenport in New York, NY explains how Art Therapy reduces stress and cortisol levels in the body. Explore how Art Therapy can be helpful for anxiety, and stress reduction. If you’re looking for stress or anxiety relief , this article can be a helpful start!

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Differences between Art Therapy and an Art Class
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

Differences between Art Therapy and an Art Class

Differences between Art Therapy and Art Classes: Art therapy and an art class both involve art making, but the two have very different goals and purposes. Click to learn more about Art classes and Art Therapy!

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