Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Art Therapy: A Path to Healing and Growth
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Art Therapy: A Path to Healing and Growth

Art therapy provides an interactive avenue for strengthening DBT skills. By integrating visual art, into the DBT skills acquisition process, individuals can interact with these principles in a multi-dimensional and embodied manner. The Action-Based DBT model, which focuses on narrative and embodiment, offers a deeply engaging and experiential educational setting that can be particularly advantageous for individuals who struggle with conventional approaches.

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The Nurtured Heart Approach
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

The Nurtured Heart Approach

the Nurtured Heart Approach is a testament to the transformative power of redirecting emotional intensity and energy towards fostering positivity, connection, and resilience in children. It's a reminder that our reactions, our intentional choices, are the real catalysts for positive change.

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Unfreezing Wisdom: Life Lessons from Disney's Frozen (An Art Therapists Take)
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

Unfreezing Wisdom: Life Lessons from Disney's Frozen (An Art Therapists Take)

An Art Therapists’ take on the movie, Frozen. In Disney's "Frozen," the phrase "Feel, Don't Conceal" encapsulates a powerful message that resonates deeply with audiences worldwide. Beyond its captivating catchy tunes, this mantra serves as a profound life lesson that holds relevance in our everyday lives.

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How to Cope with War Anxiety: Advice From A Licensed Art Therapist
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

How to Cope with War Anxiety: Advice From A Licensed Art Therapist

Learn how to cope with War Anxiety. Practical tips, tools and art therapy inspired exercises curated by a NY Licensed Art Therapist. Images of stories of war can live in our mind and our bodies. That’s why it’s important to take a holistic approach to taking care of our mental health. Coping skills to help you manage war anxiety.

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How Does Art Therapy Relieve Stress?
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

How Does Art Therapy Relieve Stress?

Learn how Art Therapy reduces stress. This blog posts written by licensed art therapist, Emily Davenport in New York, NY explains how Art Therapy reduces stress and cortisol levels in the body. Explore how Art Therapy can be helpful for anxiety, and stress reduction. If you’re looking for stress or anxiety relief , this article can be a helpful start!

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What to Look for in an Art Therapist
Emily Davenport Emily Davenport

What to Look for in an Art Therapist

Art therapy can be an effective intervention to help treat anxiety, depression, eating disorders, PTSD, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and more. If you’re ready to start art therapy, the first step is to choose the right professional.

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Ways to Hack the Nervous System
mental health Emily Davenport mental health Emily Davenport

Ways to Hack the Nervous System

The human body is equipped with several internal systems whose main function is to ensure our survival in a number of ways. One such system is the nervous system, which is sometimes referred to as the alarm system of the human body. When the nervous system functions properly, it alerts us to danger and allows us to respond appropriately.

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How to Use Self-Regulation Techniques with Children and Teens

How to Use Self-Regulation Techniques with Children and Teens

Emotional self-regulation involves the ability to have control or influence over your emotions and manage stress. An example of emotional self-regulation is when you can calm yourself down after being angry or upset. As you can see, learning self-regulation techniques is a vital skill for children and teens to acquire.

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